Recent Publications
To appear in European Journal of Combinatorics
Discrete and Computational Geometry 65 (2021), 476-488
Journal of Commutative Algebra 11(2) (2019), 241-264.
Discrete and Computational Geometry 56(1) (2016), 114-125
Mathematical Programming 153 (2015), 275-288
Discrete Mathematics 331 (2014), 151-157.
Annals of Combinatorics 13 (2009), 271-287.
Discrete and Computational Geometry 42 (2009), 206-218.
Linear Algebra and its Applications 426 (2007), 325-341.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3509 (2005).
Full version,
Algorithmica 51 (2008), 200-235.
Discrete Applied Mathematics, 154 (2006), 1742-1752.
Electronic Jounal of Linear Algebra 10 (2003), 102-105.
Manuscript (2002).
Mathematical Programming, Ser. A 92 (2002), 285-296.