ystem, type C-h C-a.
I plan to have all our CAGS talks conducted a hybrid fashion; in person and on Zoom. Some CAGS talks, international talks for example, will only be virtual on Zoom. All talks will be given 12:30 -- 1:30 PM on Fridays in our Seminar room Exploratory Hall, room 4106 unless otherwise stated. The room is equipped with white boards, and a projector. -- If you like to participate please send me, your devoted CAGS Chair, an email and I will try my best to schedule your talk. If you prefer to give a Zoom talk then I will send you a Zoom invitation.
CAGS Chair: Geir Agnarsson
The CAGS is intended as an informal venue, where faculty members, graduate students, visitors from near and far can come and give informal talks on their research, interesting new topics, open problems or just share their thoughts/ideas on anything interesting relating to combinatorics, algebra and discrete geometry. Needless to say, all are welcome to attend, and those who want to give a talk, should email me Geir ("gagnarss followed by the at sign gmu dot edu") the title and a short abstract. The talks should be no longer than 50 minutes long; leaving a few minutes for questions, comments and further discussions afterwards.
For other seminars and regular meetings, check our departmental Seminars & Colloquiums
Fall 2024
September 20~
Minkowski rings of polytopes and power closed ideals
Geir Agnarsson
September 27~
Combinatorics and geometry of the alternating sign matrix polytope
Walter Morris
November 1~
The Howson property for one-sided ideals of semigroups
Scott Carson
November 8~
Degree of h-polynomials of edge ideals
Selvi Kara
November 15~
Talk postponed until Spring 2025.
Cebastian Cioaba
December 3, 11:30 am -- 12:30 pm EXPL 3301
NB! Unusual time!
Is a face ring equivariantly isomorphic to its barycentric subdivision, as modules over the parameter subring?
Talk postponed until Spring 2025.
Ben Blum-Smith