Current classes

Modern Applied Math II - MATH 414 - (Spring 2022)

Ordinary Differential Equations - MATH 677 - (Spring 2022)

Some previous classes at GMU

Partial Differential Equations - MATH 678 - (Fall 2021)

Advanced Calculus I - MATH 315 - (Fall 2021)

Nonlinear Functional Analysis - MATH 784 - (Spring 2021)

Elementary Differential Equations - MATH 214 - (Fall 2020)

Advanced Linear Algebra - MATH 322 - (Spring 2020)

Some previous classes at Humboldt-Universitaet zu Berlin

Optimal Control with Partial Differential Equations

Optimal Control with Partial Differential Equations (Optimierung bei partiellen Differentialgleichungen) which is an Advance Course from the Berlin Mathematical School (BMS), and given at the Humboldt-Universitaet zu Berlin.

Assigments found here.