TJ  Courses-- Home Page -- R. Sachs  -- Spring 2008



Dr. Sachs (email:, phone: 993-1464)

A blurb about me and the courses in pdf format

Syllabi in pdf format  

Complex Analysis Fall 2004  

Complex Analysis Fall 2006 


Differential Equations spring 2005     

Differential Equations spring 2006

Differential Equations spring 2007

Differential Equations spring 2008


Table of Contents from textbooks 

Complex Analysis     Differential Equations     Probability

Here is an image of the solutions to a baby model for atmosphere's by E. Lorenz, known as the
Lorenz attractor.  It shows a strange behavior, which involves winding around one of the "loops"
for a while, then jumping to the other for a while.

picture of Lorenz attractor