Welcome to my NMAIST - VLP
home page
Department of Mathematical Sciences
George Mason
4400 University Drive, MS: 3F2
Science and Tech I
Fairfax, VA 22030
Phone: (703) 993-9787
Fax: (703) 993-1491

| VLP |
Research |
Outreach |
Videos |

2011 Volunteer Lecturer Program
With a desire to bring an end to the knowledge deficit in Sub-Saharan
Africa in comparison to the rest of the world prompted former President
Nelson Mandel to propose the establishment of African Institutes of
Science and Technology (AISTs) and this AIST concept was then developed by
World Bank Institute with the focus of developing local Science,
Technology and Innovation (STI) capacity to harness the resources of
nature, including human capital, for the sustainable socio-economic
devleopment of Sub-Saharan Africa.
The Nelson Mandela African Institute of Science and Technology in Arusha
(NM AIST-Arusha) is one in a network of AISTs, which is an sutonomous
regional institution that caters for the Eastern African region of
Sub-Saharan Africa. This institute has been established
with a mission to train and develop the next generation of African
scientists, engineers and technologists, who will impact on Africa's
development through the application of science, engineering and
technology. For more details about the institution visit NM
AIST-Arusha .
As a part of the
Volunteer Lecturer Program sponsored by the Developing Countries
Strategy Group of the International
Mathematics Union (IMU) , in cooperation with International
Center for Pure and Applied Mathematics (CIMPA) and the U.S.
National Committee for Mathematics , I had the opportunity to tbe
first visiting
professor at NM AIST-Arusha from August 8, 2011 to September 2011.
During this time, I was able to develop two new graduate classes in their
catalog MCSE6103 (Computational Methods
for Scientists and Engineers I) and MCSE6102 (Differential Equations).
The content and structure I have helped develop for these classes
correspond to the special 5-week modular form of coursework that NM
AIST-Arusha offers. As a part of the course development, I created
complete course packets including detailed syllabi, day by day
schedule including classwork, homework and projects. Powerpoint lectures
for every topic in the course was created and a detailed instructor's
guide in the form of a textbook (130 pages) was created. websites for each
of the classes
MCSE6103 and
MCSE6102 were also created for easy access of the content and
delivery for the students.
Research Interactions
I also had the opportunity to visit several leading scientists and
directors of prominent programs who visited NM AIST-Arusha to build
partnerships. These included Prof. Leif Abrahamsson, Mathematics Program
Director International Science
Programme , Peter Singer, Chief
Executive Officer, Grand
Challenges Canada along with delegates from the African Capacity Building Foundation
as well as members form the East
African Universities Mathematics Programme . I was invited to make a
presentation to these delegates on "Applications of Mathematics to Science
and Engineering".
I also had the opportunity to interact with faculty on a regular basis
from all various schools and departments at NM AIST-Arusha including
Computational and
Communcation Science and Engineering; Life Sciences and Bioengineering;
Materials Science and Engineering and; Water Resources and Environmental
Science and Engineering. Having directed students on a variety of projects
at all levels in the last decade on these areas, I was able to share my
work with them and discuss potential collaborations that we can build from
both our experise. In this regard, I was able to help out creating
proposals and hope to engage in interdisciplinary collabortive research
opportunities in the near future.
K-12 Outreach Activities
During my VLP, I was able to visit three secondary (high schools) that
included the Orkeeswa Secondary School, Maasai Girls School and Ilboru
Secondary School and a Maasai Primary School to give lectures to over 700
students. I was very happy to have impacted so many of the next
generation African Scientists by engaging them on problem solving and
critical thinking. The Maasai Girls School that I visited and lectured
at is a school for
Maasai girls who are often deprived of schooling in a male-dominated
society and it was nice to learn that President Bush had visited
the same school during his trip to Arusha, Tanzania in Feb 2008.
I am hoping to help these school set up afterschool
mathematics clubs and connect them with faculty at NM AIST-Arusha to
constantly motivate them to pursue mathematics, science and engineering.
Also, I had an opportunity to share with the highschool teachers about
possible resources that they can use to motivate the students to think of
careers in STEM.
Classroom Videos
Attached below are classroom engagement with students
captured for the handshake problem (which generated a
rich discussion of Guass Formula, Permuations and
Combinations, Arithmetic progression, Finite
Differences, Geometric interpretation via graph theory
ideas, Creating multiple representation for the
solutions strategies and connecting them etc.
and the pizza topping selection problem (which
introduced permuations and combinations and connected
to Pascals Triangle). The focus in the discussion on
enhancing their habits of mind while solving problems
including abstracting from simple problems, doing and
undoing, become efficienct in obtaining solutions and
finally connecting the multiple representations. I also
had a chance to visit the math club of one of the
schools and worked with students to encourage them to
pursue mathematics as a foundation for STEM to research
and solve bigger real-world problems including disease
dynamics, biomathematics, applications in defense etc. I
am confident many of these young students are going to
contribute to the big changes in their continent one
day through STEM! Enjoy some of the videos below (click
on the titles).
- Handshake :
Engaging the students in active learning exercise to
figure out the number of distinct handshakes.
- Handshake :
Student describing the connection to Arithmetic
Progression Formulas
- Handshake :
Making the connections and the importance of
multiple respresentations in problem solving
- Pizza Toppings
Discussion on how to organize data to be able to
abstract from simple cases. In particular, helping the
students discover the importance of the Pascal's
triangle and its connection to the number of toppings on
a Pizza. Also, this led to rich discussions on Binomial
Theorem and powers of two.
- Mathclub :
This gave me an opportunity to motivate the students to
appreciate the applications of mathematics and STEM to
real-world problems. This need to promote the awareness
of mathematics and applications is very essential and
students appreciated the fact that mathematics can be
used to solve many real-world problems which they did
not realize at first!