Math 106-017 Quantitative Reasoning

  Time: MW 10:30-11:45
  Location: ST I 122
  Instructor: Ellen O'Brien
  Office: ST I 222A
  Office Hours: M W 12:00-1:00; and by appointment;
  Phone: 703 993-1483

Blackboard: The course materials, grades, test solutions, etc. will be located on Bb. Make sure to login regularly to see important information.
The address is :

Textbook: Mathematics: A Practical Odyssey, Seventh Edition, by Johnson and Mowry, Brooks/Cole Cengage 2012
The textbook can be purchased at the campus bookstore or online with your WebAssign access card. (See Blackboard for more information)

Course Description: This course meets the quantitative reasoning requirement, one of the Foundation requirements of the University General Education program. The goal of the Foundation requirement is to help ensure that students are equipped with the tools and techniques necessary to succeed in college and throughout their lives and careers. We will cover the following topics:

  • Inductive and Deductive Reasoning
  • Logic
  • Sets and Counting
  • Probability
  • Statistics
  • Finance


  • Test 1 - Monday, February 20
  • Test 2 - Monday, March 26
  • Test 3 - Monday, April 30

Final Exam: Wednesday May 9, 10:30 am-1:15 pm

Grading: Your grade for the course will be calculated based on three exams (100 points each), online homework (100 points) and a final exam (100 points). The sum of these grades divided by 5 will determine your grade according to the scale:
        A: 90-100   B: 80-89.9    C:70-79.9   D:65-69.9   F: below 65
  + or - will be attached to the grade for the upper or lower 2 points in each range

Homework: We will be using Webassign for online homework. Information about registering and using the WebAssign website is posted on Blackboard. Reading the sections of the text related to the problems is a part of the homework assignment.

Disability statement: If you are a student with a disability and you need academic accommodations, please see me and contact the Office of Disability Resources at 703.993.2474. All academic accommodations must be arranged through that office.

Tutoring Center: The Math Tutoring Center is located in the Johnson Center Room 344. Help is available on a walk-in basis. For hours of operation see

General Remarks: Please be considerate of other students in the class. Turn your cell phones off before entering the classroom. Please get to class on time. If you must arrive late or leave early sit near the door to minimize the distraction.
My responsibility as the instructor of this course is to answer questions and organize the material in a logical manner to facilitate learning. Your job as the student is to attend every class, arrive on time and be attentive, meet deadlines and be responsible for your learning.

January 17, 2012