Thomas Wanner
Department of Mathematical Sciences
George Mason University
4400 University Drive, MS 3F2
Fairfax, Virginia 22030, USA


The Hartman-Grobman theorem for Caratheodory type differential equations in Banach spaces


  1. Bernd Aulbach, Thomas Wanner:
    The Hartman-Grobman theorem for Caratheodory type differential equations in Banach spaces
    Nonlinear Analysis. Theory, Methods & Applications 40(1-8), pp. 91-104, 2000.

The published version of the paper can be found at


   author = {Bernd Aulbach and Thomas Wanner},
   title = {The {H}artman-{G}robman theorem for {{C}a\-ra\-th\'eo\-dory}
            type differential equations in {B}anach spaces},
   journal = {Nonlinear Analysis. Theory, Methods \& Applications},
   year = 2000,
   volume = 40,
   number = {1--8},
   pages = {91--104},
   doi = {10.1016/S0362-546X(00)85006-3}