(Mostly) Benjamin and Ruben, 2003


Here are Benjamin (3 years old) and Ruben (18 months). They spent this winter enjoying each other's company, marvelling at the snow, and coloring on the floor. Pictured here is a rare moment in which Ruben got the toy and Bigi' was too distracted by the camera to argue about it.


At home on a Dad's favorite rocking chair (a few months later). Ruben is curling his lips around his teeth in his "oh cool!" face, the same face he had when coloring on the floor!


Here is Benjamin playing with the dishtowels and his cousin Sophie. She thinks it's a riot!


Chanukah at home with Dad. Even Ruben was allowed to light his own candle this year.



Ruben's thumb has held our family together over the past 18 months!


They pause in their search for hidden lions to flash a smile.

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