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Chi Yang | Department of Computational and Data Sciences, George Mason University

Thursday October 23, 2008, 4:30 PM | Research 1 Room 301

Overview of CFD Tools For Marine Hydrodynamics Applications

This talk will give an overview of the computational modeling capabilities of the CFD group at GMU with focus on the numerical simulations of sloshing and large amplitude ship motions induced by extreme waves, and a practical hydrodynamic optimization tool for the design of hull forms. The following two subjects will be mostly discussed:

• A robust Volume of Fluid (VOF) technique together with an incompressible Euler/Navier-Stokes solver operating on adaptive, unstructured grids to model large amplitude ship motions, coupling of sloshing and ship motions, and green water effects on freely moving ships or moored ships;

• A new potential flow model, called Neumann-Michell (NM) model, for evaluating steady flow about a ship and for rapid assessment and design of ships based on hydrodynamic performance;

Many examples will be given to illustrate the modeling capabilities. The future outlook of hydrodynamic prediction and optimization will also be addressed.


More about Chi Yang