Summer 2009 REU
Final written reports (one per group):
- Coleen Ackerman (VA Tech), William Hardesty (UMBC)
Mentors: Tom Wanner, Evelyn Sander
"Nucleation and Spinodal Decomposition in Ternary-component Alloys": [pdf]
- Courtney Chancellor (Southern Methodist U.)
Mentor: Padmanabhan Seshaiyer
"Applying Numerical Methods to Fluid Structure Interactions in Biological Systems": [pdf]
- Charles Cook (Alma College)
Mentor: Maria Emeliaenko
"Numerical Study of a Quantum Memory Model": [pdf]
- Angela Dapolite (Clarkson University)
Mentor: Maria Emelianenko
"Ordinary Differential Equations in Green Oxidation Processes": [pdf]
- Kyle Pounder (St. Mary's College of CA)
Mentor: Tim Sauer
"Synchronization and Coherence of Dynamical Systems": Networks of Coupled Rossler Attractors [pdf]
- Andy Wilson (Washington U. St. Louis)
Mentor: Domenico Napoletani
"A Mathematical Approach for the Reconstruction of Neural Networks": [pdf]
- Syeda Zaidi (U. Maryland)
Mentor: Padmanabhan Seshaiyer
"A Computational Model for Batten Behavior in Micro Air Vehicles": [pdf]
- Kris Kappmeyer (K-12 teacher)
Mentor: Padmanabhan Seshaiyer
"Viscoelastic Modeling of Biological Tissue in an Idealized Cerebral Aneurysm": [doc]
Presentations at GMU (July 31, 2009)
Final presentation schedule:
Presentations at JMM, San Fransisco, CA Jan 2010:
1. Charles Cook: "Numerical Study of a Quantum Memory Model"
2. Coleen Ackerman, William Hardesty: "Nucleation and Spinodal Decomposition in Ternary-Component Alloys"
Kyle Pounder is honored with a medal at the Sigma Xi conference in Houston, TX for his work: "Synchronization and Coherence of Dynamical Systems: Networks of Coupled Rossler Attractors".
Honors thesis completion:
March 3, 2010 - Angela Dapolite defended her Honors
thesis at Clarkson University based on her Summer project started at GMU.
Trips and other extracurricular activities:
Hiking - Old Rag, Stric Knob, Great Falls
Tours - DC Mall, Smithsonian, NIH, Mount Vernon, Six Flags Amusement Park