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David Singman


Office: Exploratory Hall, Room 4203

Phone: (703) 993-1476

Fax: (703) 993-1491

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  • Ph.D., 1980, McGill University, Potential Theory


  • Potential Theory

Selected Publications

  • Classification of harmonic structures on graphs, with Ibtesam Bajunaid, Joel Cohen, Flavia Colonna,  to appear, Advances in Applied Mathematics .

  • A Riesz decomposition theorem on harmonic spaces without positive potentials, with Ibtesam Bajunaid, Joel Cohen, Flavia Colonna, Hiroshima Math. J ., 38 (2008), 37-50.

  • A global Riesz decomposition theorem on trees without positive potentials, with Joel Cohen, Flavia Colonna,  J.  London Math. Soc. (2), 75 (2007), 1-17.

  • Function series, Catalan numbers and random walks on trees, with Ibtesam Bajunaid, Joel Cohen and Flavia Colonna,  The American Mathematical Monthly, 112  (2005), 765-785.

  • Distributions and Measures on the boundary of a tree, with Joel Cohen and Flavia Colonna,  Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 293  (2004), 89-107.

  • Minimal fine limits on trees, with K. GowriSankaran, Illinois. J. Math.  48 (2004), 359-389

  •  Trees as Brelot spaces, with Ibtesam Bajunaid, Joel Cohen, Flavia Colonna,  Advances in Applied Mathematics, 30(2003), no 4, 706-745

  • Tangential limits of potentials on homogeneous trees, with K. GowriSankaran, Potential analysis, 18 (2003), no 1, 79-96

  • Polyharmonic functions on trees, with Joel Cohen, Flavia Colonna, K. GowriSankaran, American Journal of Mathematics, 124(2002), no 5, 999-1043

  • A projection theorem and tangential boundary behavior of potentials, with K. GowriSankaran, Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 129 (2001), no 2, 397-405

  • Minimal fine limits for a class of potentials, with K. GowriSankaran, Potential Analysis, 13 (2000), no. 2, 103-114

Preprints of these and other publications can be found at:



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