Speaker:Patrick O'Neil, Lead Data Scientist, Spaceflight Industries
Analyzing the Microstructure of Flexible Sandstone using Topological Data Analysis
Abstract: Flexible quartzitic rocks have the remarkable property that they bend visibly under the influence of gravity. At the same time, they have enough strength that they do not crumble. The shape of the grains in these quartz-dominated rocks often resemble those in quartzites, but individual grains are easily detached, hence this class of flexible rocks are variably called flexible sandstones, flexible quartzites, or itacolumites after the locality where they were first described in Brazil. In this talk, we analyze the microstructure of flexible sandstone using methods from topological data analysis and propose an explanation for the flexible, yet strong, nature of this remarkable stone.
Time: Friday, February 9, 2018, 1:30-2:30pm
Place: Exploratory Hall, Room 4106
Department of Mathematical Sciences
George Mason University
4400 University Drive, MS 3F2
Fairfax, VA 22030-4444
Tel. 703-993-1460, Fax. 703-993-1491