MATH 672-001/CSI 746-001 (Wavelet Theory)
Fall 2003
Instructor: David Walnut
Office: ST1, room 261
Phone: 703 993 1478 (voice) 703 993 1491 (fax)
Course web page: Access through this
Office hours: TR 2:30-4:00pm and by appointment.
Text: D. Walnut
An Introduction to Wavelet Analysis,
Birkhauser, Boston (2001), ISBN 0-8176-3962-4.
Prerequisites: Some knowledge of advanced calculus, and computer
literacy (we will use MATLAB).
Topics: The goal of the course is to introduce the student to
some of the basic concepts, constructions and applications of wavelet theory.
Topics include:
The Haar system (5.1-5.4).
The Discrete Haar Transform (6.1-6.3)
Intro to Fourier Series and Orthogonal Systems (2.1, 2.3)
Intro to the Fourier Transform (3.1-3.5, 3.8, 4.3, 4.4)
Multiresolution Analysis and Wavelet Bases (7.1-7.5)
The Discrete Wavelet Transform (Filter Banks) (8.1-8.4)
Vanishing Moments, Approximation, and Daubechies Wavelets (9.1-9.3)
Biorthogonal Wavelets (10.4, 10.6, 10.7)
Application: Image Compression (12.1-12.5)
Application: The BCR Algorithm (13.2)
Other Topics and Applications as Time Permits
Grading: The grade will be based on homework assignments, including
some assignments using MATLAB, and on a semester project of the student's
own choosing to be presented at the end of the semester. Details,
deadlines and suggestions related to the semester project will be posted
on the course webpage.